©2025 Frito-Lay North America, Inc. a Division of PepsiCo
15 min
20 min
35 min
This one-skillet loaded breakfast fry-up is a tasty way to start the day.
In large cast-iron skillet set over medium heat, cook bacon and sausages, turning occasionally, for 8 to 10 minutes or until starting to brown.
Stir in melted butter, jalapeño, onion, red pepper and garlic.
Cook, stirring occasionally, for 2 to 3 minutes or until starting to soften.
Crumble in 4 cups LAY'S® Wavy Potato Chips and cilantro. Cook, stirring and tossing to combine, for 1 minute.
Make 6 wells in potato chip mixture. Crack an egg into each well.
Drizzle 2 tbsp water in pan outside of mixture. Cover and reduce heat to low.
Cook for 3 to 5 minutes or until eggs are soft-cooked or cooked to preferred doneness.
Serve loaded eggs with remaining chips on the side.
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40 min
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10 min
25 min